

Battleship is a quantum version of the traditional board game that uses quantum data and concepts to enhance the gameplay.

This project was created using the library by Justin Bakse to create a two-player game that can be player across computers and browsers.

It builds upon the ideas of Q-sweeper in a multiplayer context.

The code is open-source and the game can be played in the browser.

link to play →
link to Github repo →


The game has two main features: quantum maps and entangled ships. The maps were generated using a simple Bell state quantum algorithm programmed in Qiskit. The players ship placement is restricted by the map that changes every game and informs hitting strategy. Players can also choose to entangle two points on their own ships with those of the opponent. When these are hit they also destroy their enemy counterparts allowing for planned opponent sabotage.

The game's sound effects were created using the Quantum Music Playground.


We ran our algorithm on the belem quantum computers from IBM's Qiskit starter kit. Our sound was built on Ableton using the Quantum Music Playground.
Multiplayer was implemented using Justin Bakse's library.
The javascript code was built on top of a simple single player battleship greybox.


Apurv Rayate: Game development, Quantum Computing
Tanvi Mishra: Game development, Front-end development
Hyacinth Weng: Asset Creation
Yiping Dong: Sound Design